Christmas Themed Creation!

For my Christmas themed creation I chose to make a snowman inside of a globe. It looks like this when finished,

Here is the first part of my code,

This project was not really challenging but consisted of a lot of code. In this code was making the snow globe and and the snowman. It was pretty simple making it except for when I had to make it look like a real snow globe and make the snowman fit in it.

This next part was making the snowman’s features like his nose and eyes. This was a little challenging to find the measurement to make his eyes look good because at first I could not find the right length to make it and it would go off the snowman’s face.

This code was to make the buttons on the snowman, this was pretty easy because I was able to use the same exact code over and over but had to just move the buttons down each time.

Turtle Race

Here is my turtle race code,

In this part of the code is where I get all my turtles setup and ready to race. You can see how I have all my different turtles named, Ro, mom, dad, and brother. These are the turtles racing each other. This part of the code was not so challenging because I already know all these commads and how to use them.

Here is when the actual race is being setup and how I have my “admin” turtle move and around and set it up. This part was also not really challenging because it mostly consisted of just straight lines and making the race. At the bottom of the picture is how I made the turtles move. I made it so that they each moved a random amount between 0 and 10 which would always make the results different.

Here is when the code got hard and was really challenging. In this part of the code I had to figure out how I can actually make the turtles move simultaneously, how to know who actually won the race, and who passed the line first. Here I was when I had to make a code for knowing when someone won. It consists of each turtle having a code so that if they passed through the line that the code would stop and say something like…

Overall, this was a very fun challenge and made me learn a lot about the command “random” and all it’s functions and how I can make a race with it.